Clouds for good morning and fourth measurements day! Minus 6 kilos & minus 7 centimeters around my
waist in 17 days! Cool, a nice byproduct... ;-) And the goiter & nodule in my neck
are shrinking as well, n'est pas!?! Well, the last day of my cure is 1st July - still 24 days to go! Breuss recommends to wait with check-up exams for about 2 weeks, but as my birthday comes soon afterwards... I couldn't resist, and I scheduled an ultrasound (echography) on 9th July in the morning... ;-) I love personal & positive birthday presents!!!The cure days? In general, I'm not hungry at all. Some mornings, I have little cravings which vanishes when drinking first two teas... or at latest with a first juice. Especially in the evenings, I have a considerable lust for eating & chewing, although I'm not hungry. And when watching movies, I crave popcorn from time to time. That's it. Moreover, I'm not drinking coffee nor smoking for 18th day, and I can't even believe I was... ;-) I don't miss them, and even motorical longing for cigarettes almost disappeared. I'm truly amazed. And I'm sure that 18 days ago, it was exactly the right time for starting this cure, and all the rest that followed. Today, I'm feeling great, much better than before the cure, I look great & I like my "old" figure back (apparently ideal weight for me at this age)... and more is yet to come. I'm thrilled about all this great stuff but lack of eating & chewing! :-))
Concerning the comments that I'm actually not really following & sticking to the Breuss Cure letter by letter... Indeed, I'm not.
• Breuss juice is not that bad at all... and at the beginning I was more or less fine with it. But I somehow started skipping it, and replacing it with fruit juices (I was craving fruits!), and later with veggie mixes as well... Well, after several variations of Breuss juice, I found out that the ingredient that makes my throat itch is this damn celery root (I'll replace it with celery stalks today, we'll see ;-)
• Almost each day, I drink all five of generally recommended herbal teas during this cure (kidney tea for only 3 days more!), and both that are recommended for thyroid & goiter problems (one replaced by leaves as roots are nowhere to be found).
• From time to time - not each day and seldom twice per day - I eat/drink the allowed onion broth, but there are days I long for some more veggies in it, so I make an inspirational vegetable soup & eat/drink its broth.
• Lately, each day, I drink at least one fruit juice... and sometimes a veggie mix... but not as recommended by Breuss - a gulp or two - I usually drink somewhere from 200 to 350 ml. Well, I'm blond... ;-)
Anyway, people are juice fasting because of cancer or other health related reasons for ages, with fruit and/or vegetable juices, so... I do feel I'm on a right track & doing just fine with listening to myself & my body. And for few of my concerns & questions, I turned to Tom Coghill for his precious feedback. Thanks, Tom!
• 1st morning • 6th morning • 12th morning • Weight: 59 kg • Waist around sacral (2nd) chakra: 79 cm • Low hips: 96 cm
• Humor: Good • Feeling: Fine & sensitive • Hungry: No, yes, no... ;-)
• Herbal teas (6 cups): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, Angelica tea, calcium tea, marigold tea
• Fruit juices: Pineapple juice (350 ml), orange & grapefruit juice (270 ml)
• Veggie juice: Tomatoes, mix of sprouts, a bit of watercress, celery stalk & leaves (200 ml)
• Special treat: Berry moisturized my whole body and... ;-)
• Intermediate lab results (blood taken on Friday morning): 1st and 2nd - not bad at all!
• Morning: 13° C • Max. daytime temperature: 22° C • Weather: Cloudy most of the day
Your documentation is very thorough. One very important point that I need to make is during our tests of the Bruess Cancer treatment at Sagada hospital, we discovered that its limitations can be overcome by adding the pancreatic enzyme of the Kelly cancer treatment. We always saw tumor mass reduction in decreased swelling of the lymph but the cancer came back months or years later.