Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 11

Woke up around 6:30. Clouds. Cold. No rain. Feeling OK. Toilette. Scraping my tongue. Brushing my teeth. And... 5 Tibetan rites! Finally! Drinking kidney tea & making all the remaining six, it takes me about 20-25 minutes. Shower. Clothes on. E-mails & a bit of browsing... Grrr... dentist at 8:30. Studying fasting, juice fasting, combination etc. for majority of this cloudy day... Preparing tomorrow's lunch for Berry: two delicious ciabatta sandwiches (humus, zahtar, gomasio, ruccola, slices of dry "bržola", alfalfa & leek sprouts, tiny spread of Dijon & mayonnaise) & fruit salad (strawberries, two pears, mango, lemon juice, rice sugar). RDVs with electrician & plumber. I dream about popcorn. Watching last two episodes of CSI, we felt asleep...

• Humor: Good • Feeling: OK • Hungry: Not at all, but I had a terrible lust for eating & chewing in the evening.
• Herbal teas (7 cups): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, Angelica tea, calcium tea, marigold tea, pimpernel tea (leaves found, roots not yet)
• Juices: Watermelon juice (400 ml) at midday & in the early afternoon, Breuss juice with parsley (260 ml) in the evening
5 Tibetan rites: In the morning (9) • Walking: 20 minutes
• Morning: 10° C • Max. daytime temperature: 14° C • Weather: Cloudy

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 10

Around 6, I woke up into a completely gray morning... hungry & a bit irritated. Well, it's my 10th day without a solid food, I wasn't drinking any veggie juice yesterday, and I had the smartest idea ever - I went to a macrobiotic cooking class (unexpectedly a very long one, from 17h until 21:30) with one tea mug only! And I left it with a doggy bag when everybody started to eat the menu we were observing to be prepared and cooked by a leading macrobiotic teacher, Hikari Ogata & her assistants, from Lima Cooking School in Japan (established by George Ohsawa, the founder of macrobiotics). 

Extenuating circumstances? The course was announced as "What is macrobiotics?" Although, all that went on were many details about correct cooking of brown rice, and quite some about the rest of the menu: Brown rice cooked in a ceramic pan • Misoshiru • Cutlet of Fu • Hijiki Salad • Oyaki. And as Mrs. Ogata speaks Japanese only, we were losing much of the class time for a vague English translation. Nevertheless, it was interesting. And puzzling: Who the heck has so much time to cook like that each day; even more if there is only a person or a couple at home?! 

Surprise! We had the second part today, at 10h! Title of today's class: "YinYang Balance". Ugh, I was hesitant... But I went anyway; also because Berry was working - Daldecor had Open Doors Sunday! The same story as yesterday (vague translation & cooking only), with another menu. We were observing & participating a bit while the following dishes were done: Dried Daikon Soup, Chirashizusi and Sobazushi (I made two rolls ;-) as a main dish (often a celebration plate), and Agar-Agar Jelly for dessert. Berry will have a feast this evening or at tomorrow's lunch! Me? I survived with both of my mugs (apple juice & sage tea).

• Humor: Undefined • Feeling: Weak & irritated; much better in the afternoon • Hungry: In the morning, before class, later not at all
• Tepid water as a day starter: 250 ml • Walking: 40 minutes
• Herbal teas (7 cups): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, Angelica tea, calcium tea, marigold tea, pimpernel tea (leaves found, roots not yet)
• Juices: Orange juice (250 ml), apple juice (taken to the class; 420 ml), carrot juice (400 ml), tomato juice (120 ml)
Vegetable broth: I drank macrobiotic soup at home (dried daikon, leek, kombu bouillon, soy sauce & sea-salt; less than 100 ml)
• Special treat: Macrobiotic cooking class in the morning (10h - 13:30); back massage in bed, followed by... ;-))
• Morning: 11° C  • Max. daytime temperature: 15° C • Weather: Cloudy & rainy or drizzly; partly cloudy; sun in the evening

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 9

This is a part of my view from my bed around 7:20, but the sky was clear blue approximately half an hour before, when I opened my eyes... ;-)

I was really enjoying making lunch for Berry today; well, as most of days... ;-) He so much likes sardines fried as stakes, and a bowl of mixed salad beside (today: tomato, lamb's lettuce & ruccola). Of course, I like them too... ;-)

Vegetable soup was delicious as well, although all I'm putting in it during my cure is 1/2 of miso cube only (no spices & oil). I finely cut diverse veggies and put them in 500 ml water, I cook them a bit, and then serve Berry a plate with all or almost all veggies and a bit of broth, and I take the majority of broth which is usually 250-300 ml. Voilà! Although, today there were really too much of veggies in a soup. Instead of throwing leftovers away, I decided to make veggie stakes out of them. Mixing cooked veggies with two eggs, fresh parsley, some spices, salt & Dijon mustard, a bit of alfalfa & leek sprouts, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, and fresh bio-corn bred crumbs... Mix was still a bit too liquid, therefore I decided to bake it in the oven, as a sort of a pie or low veggie cake... ;-) Let's see what will come out of this! Hopefully dinner for Berry who's renovating today again.

• Humor: Good • Feeling: Weak but quite fine, thanks • Hungry: No
• Herbal teas (5 cups): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, calcium tea, marigold tea
Olive oil pulling: Almost 30 minutes, first thing in the morning • Tepid water afterwards: 750 ml
• Juices: Apple juice (130 ml), orange juice (200 ml)
• Inspired vegetable broth (lunch): Onion, carrot, ½ kohlrabi, and fresh parsley stalks (½ miso cube; no oil; 1x 300 ml)
• Walking: 40 minutes • Special treats: Sunbathing in the morning, and macrobiotic cooking class in the evening
• Morning: 11° C • Max. daytime temperature: 19° C • Weather: Sunny, partly cloudy, cloudy, rainy, cloudy evening & night

PS: Veggie cake was apparently delicious! Not-hungry-Barry was watching a movie, drinking white vine, and all pieces of cake just disappeared... ;-)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 8

That's cool! Opening my eyes around 6:30, observing foggy sunshine light that soon became almost pure sunshine... it wasn't difficult to get up before 7. Hmmm, I felt slightly dizzy and hungry. 

Ugh, finally! Several months ago, I realized that it's been a looooong time since I wasn't olive oil pulling any longer, and it wouldn't be bad to restart with this cheap detoxification rite again. Since then, it was for the third morning today... Basically, before taking a shower, I sip a big gulp of olive oil and I'm swishing it around my mouth during the whole showering session...When I spit it out, I can only barely imagine the quantity of impurities that went out of my body... Yes!!!

Later, I was walking to the lab... with a bottle of liquid (12h urine sample ;-)... which I left in a lab... as well as I left there precisely 52 ml (8 tubes!) of my precious blood... ;-) If I remember correctly, my blood was never so thoroughly checked as it will be this time. We'll see the results (loads of stuff, including eventual intolerance of 180 foodstuffs & borrelia)... general parameters soon, the rest in approximately three weeks. Walking back was slow, cool, sunny...

Today's biggest mistake? Joining my friend at macrobiotic resto Den Teepot AND ordering their daily vegetable soup (most probably I managed to swallow it without particles as I took all necessary equipment with me) - not worth the fuss, you're not sure what you're really eating, and you might get hungrier when observing so many people eating... Well, I won't repeat it while on fasting cure! 

I think I haven't shared that yet, but I'm cooking meals for Berry since Monday (4th day of cure). I have almost no problems with that - not with the smells nor with all the rest. The only thing is that I need to really keep reminding me not to try the food I make or lick a spoon or something similar (usual body gestures ;-). Well, the only thing which bothers me a bit is a cigarette smoke (he doesn't smoke at home any longer although he could, at least in the kitchen), and I heavily appreciate the fact that he's not making popcorn when we watch movies... Ugh, that would be extremely hard-hitting on me! Thanks a zillion, Precious!

Today's worst idea? Baking my delicious cheese cake, this time with strawberries!!! I wasn't hungry, I'm basically still not, but the smell of a freshly backed cake in the apartment is killing me... I have a lust for it & something sweet & something to chew on! Berry, better really appreciate it... ;-)

Day closure? With few minutes of "Le scaphandre et le papillon" (2007) - it's a fact - I can't watch that kind of movies any longer ("Mar adentro" was completely enough); followed with 35 minutes of "Blood and Oil" (2010) - interesting TV movie (and too depressing for me) but really more for Jaap who's supposedly going to work in Nigeria & around one oil hole soon; long phone up-date with Mateja... and "The Prestige" (2006) which I've seen already, but as it's a good one, I made Berry company until my eyelids started to give up... ;-) So, reading in bed at 23h, and soon, even before Berry joined me after less than half an hour, I was already asleep...

• Humor: Good • Feeling: Weak • Hungry: Yes and no; well, not really
• Tepid water as a day starter: 750 ml Olive oil pulling: 10 minutes
• Herbal teas (5 cups): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, calcium tea, marigold tea
• Watermelon juice (450 ml), red beet, carrots & black radish juice (250 ml), watered pear juice (similar mess as with strawberries; 200 ml)
• Consumed: Vegetable soup in a macrobiotic resto (less than 200 ml)
• Walking to appointments & back: Less than two hours • Breathing exercises: Few • Special treat: Hairdresser & curly head... (yap, still blond ;-)
• Morning: 9-10° C • Max. daytime temperature: 17° C • Weather: Sunny, partly cloudy, sunny, cloudy, etc. = Brussels way

PS: Ugh, sorry dearest, although I thought that your cigarette's smoke from the kitchen 
wouldn't bother me, I was wrong. Thanks for your understanding & for not smoking at home!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 7

When you open the eyes around 6 a.m. into a foggy & cloudy morning... Well, that's no booster!

Not much of a day... We finished it with movies: half of "Children of Men" (2006) - quite boring,
few minutes of "The Condemned" (2007) - no comment, and finally, "Extraordinary Measures" (2010) - fair enough.

• Humor: Undetermined • Feeling: Worn out • Hungry: Not really but I miss chewing...
• Herbal teas (6 cups): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, calcium tea, marigold tea, pimpernel tea (leaves found, roots not yet)

• Tepid water as a day starter: 620 ml
• Juices: Orange juice (250 ml), red beet & carrot juice (330 ml)
Stinky necklace: 3 hours
• Morning: 8° C Max. daytime temperature: 15° C • Weather: Mostly cloudy with short sunny intermezzos

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 6

Good morning into a rainy day around 7:30... Let's see how juice fasting goes when gray & rainy outside. Hey, sixth morning - measurements checking! Not bad! Even though this was & is not the aim of my fasting - three kilos down (I only have Ikea's cheapest balance, so don't count on preciser info ;-) and four centimeters less around waist (pity I wasn't measuring this one yesterday, before colon hydrotherapy - apparently you lose some waist during this therapy) since the first morning of my fast. 

Wow, I'm bathing in freesias perfume when at laptop - smaller of Sunday's bouquets is right beside me... I adore this smell! And flowers. Especially red ones. Hmm, my tall hibiscus seems to be on strike: one gorgeous red flower a day before fasting, and no buds detected since.

Berry took a day off today, for renovating. I brought him a coffee mug around 11h. Unpleasant surprise on my way back: both elevators "under maintenance"!!! If one lives on 14th floor, one wishes to at least smack somebody at that moment... Although, apparently it's a great exercise, taking the stairs... Go girl! And I went. Slowly. Up to 14th floor. Stair by stair. Well, there's no coincidences in life... ;-) You don't want to exercise on your own? No worries, universe will make you do at least some... ;-) And by the way, I'm really in a bad shape at present... ;-(  C'mon, there's even a calorie counter for walking the stairs available on the web!

Initial measurements • Weight: 62 kg • Waist around sacral (2nd) chakra: 82 cm • Low hips: 97 cm
• Humor: Undetermined • Feeling: Slightly tired & blue • Hungry: Not really
• Herbal teas (7 cups): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, Angelica tea, calcium tea, marigold tea, pimpernel tea (leaves found, roots not yet)
• Tepid water as a day starter: 620 ml • Juices: Orange juice (260 ml), carrot juice (300 ml) with vitamin D supplement
• Inspired vegetable broth (lunch): Onion, tomato, 1/4 of green pepper, and garlic clove (1/2 miso cube; no oil; 1x 250 ml)
• Inspired vegetable broth (dinner): 2 onions and 3 garlic cloves (1/2 miso cube; no oil; 1x 270 ml) 
Walking up the stairs: 1x 14th floor Walking to appointments & back: 50 minutes Breathing exercises: Almost none
• Morning: 8° C • Max. daytime temperature: 11° C • Weather: Rainy, cloudy & cold - Welcome to Brussels!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 5

Ugh, around 6 a.m., I woke up completely "broken", into a foggy gray morning. I joined Berry (already eating breakfast) in the kitchen, started washing, peeling & cutting fruits (strawberries, mango & banana) - Berry's dessert at work (I've done his tuna salad lunch already yesterday)... and drinking water in-between. I gave him a quick back massage with St. John's wort oil, and started a sage mix tea... And as there was such a lust in my back, I asked Berry to massage it (dear, I'm so grateful for it), only to discover my neck pain... I really need to start with stretching (and breathing) exercises!

I realized that whenever I'm passing by our nuts collection, I need to stop my hand... Ugh, I'd chew some almonds, cashews or Brasilia nuts with raisins with an ultimate pleasure... No go!!! So, I emptied remaining  four glass containers (in order to make place for all these tea mixes, I put two of them away already before my fasting) into small bags which Berry can just grab in the morning and take to work. One visual problem solved. Our huge bowl with fresh fruits doesn't bother me ( yet).

• Humor: Undetermined • I'm feeling: Blue • Headache: None (it's the last time I make this note... surprisingly, I had it the fist day only)
• Tepid water as a day starter: 500 ml • Hawthorn tincture: 1x 3/4 of teaspoon Smelly necklace: 2 hours 
Herbal teas (6 cups on our counter): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, Angelica tea, calcium tea, marigold tea
• Juices: Watered strawberry juice (300 + 250 ml (a total mess - don't do it)), watermelon juice (400 ml)
• Inspired vegetable broth: Onion, few small pumpkin chunks, two ts. of fresh parsley stalks, and garlic clove (1/2 miso cube; no oil; 1x 250 ml)
• My first colon hydrotherapy by a colon hydrotherapist Micheline - I highly recommend it to everyone! It's an awesome feeling!
• Walking: Fair "downtown" portion, more than an hour • Breathing exercises: Few (shit, I just keep forgetting about deep breathing)
• Special treats: Back massage (with massage oil "éclat"); exposing to a feeblish sun in the evening
• Morning: 11° C • Max. daytime temperature: 21° C • Weather: Morning fog quite soon replaced by sun

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 4

What a gift from Universe! A third consecutive morning with a total sunshine & without a single cloud! In Brussels!?! It feels really great to wake up into such a morning... even if it's not much past 6. I feel OK but hungry. Kidney tea soothes that only a bit, so I keep myself busy with four other teas and a pineapple juice. I don't really know whether Breuss would agree with this juice choice (well, most probably he wouldn't... although, I'm just listening to myself & my common sense), but I so feel like drinking some real fresh food. Namely, when I drink his vegetable juice, it's more out of a "must" as black radish & potato make him not delicious at all... Hmmm... it feels so good to sip a fresh fruit juice... Nyami!

You won't believe it! I was cooking lunch for Berry (it's a national holiday in Belgium today, "Whit Monday"): vegetable soup (broth for me, soup for him), čevapčiči, spring onions & salad (spring onion greens, tomato & cucumber)! It was smelling so good... ;-) I think I could eat all although... no worries, I was fine. When I read about people fasting & cooking for others, it seemed so unbelievable to me... Wow, it's 15h and 25° C outside! Let's go for a ride!

Slow & calm evening... Katja Art of Living called... "drive over, we'll breath that through, and ayurvedic doctor will put together a recovery plan for you, including massages & treatments in our ayurvedic center..." Yap, it doesn't sound bad at all but... I'm too busy with this fasting cure & all around at present. "At least, go for long kriya and drink one liter of tepid water first thing in the morning - it'll be like a fresh oil for your "machine", for your endocrine glands."

• Humor: Good • Headache: None • Hungry: Not really 
• Coffee: I don't miss it a bit  • Cigarettes: My body misses some gestures & my mind is craving a tinny bit, that's all
• Herbal teas (5 cups): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, Angelica tea, calcium tea • Smelly necklace: 1,5 hour
• Juices: Pineapple juice (200 ml), mandarin juice (140 ml), Breuss juice (without black radish & potato; 210 ml), watered apple juice (400 ml)
• Inspired vegetable broth: Spring onion greens, carrot, few small chunks of tomato & cucumber, and garlic clove (1/2 miso; no oil; 1x 250 ml)
• Sunbathing: In the morning & evening • Out on a bike: 55 minutes around the block • Breathing exercises: Few • Making love: Mmmm... ;-))
• Special treats: Facial mask (teaspoon of banana, mandarin leftovers & a bit of honey), Berry sprayed & massaged my body with aloe vera gel
• Morning: 10° C • Max. daytime temperature: 26° C • Weather: Sunny with rare clouds

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 3

No wonder, after so much resting & sleeping, we woke up around 6 a.m... I haven't done my kidney tea in the evening!!! Ugh, I was so thirsty.. and decided to start a day as Berry - with a fresh apple juice. Although, my portion goes through "particles elimination" first... Wow, delicious! Berry went renovating, I was busy with my teas and juice... only to get back to bed as soon as possible. No, no sleeping, sunbathing! It's a completely cloudless & sunny day, they announce more than 20° C for later... Spring! Finally! Including sun!!! When on my back, I was breathing, deeply... and exhaling... I felt my thyroid afterwards... Heck, I need to do more of breathing exercises & go out walking or whatever else "in the move" much more...

Shower with extensive glove massage. Out. Market at Midi: fresh mint, veggies (spring onions, tomatoes) & fruits (strawberries, pineapples, watermelon), and a huge bouquet of red freesias! Well, I was not hungry, I was drinking sage tea I took with me, but it was extremely difficult not to put some fresh fruits in the mouth... Greek resto: lunch for Berry. Food around me & everybody eating? No fuss for me, interesting. Back home, Berry ate lunch & went back to renovating, I was taking care of laundry, cooking my onion broth, made my "smelly necklace" & put it on, and went blogging... Bizarre, I don't miss cigarettes, I don't miss coffee, I don't have a headache... I'm just dreaming about food, early in the morning (today) or late in the evening (yesterday)... Apparently, it will pass.. ;-) Mmmm... freesias smell all around - gorgeous!

When Berry came back, we nestled in sunlight on our newly discovered "Playa Saint Lazare" a bit, then drove to his house for some more machinery... Back home, we watched "Dear John" (2010) - ugh, I was dreaming popcorn - I made my kidney tea later, and went to bed around midnight... leaving my honey behind as he felt to watch another one... ;-)

• Humor: Good • Headache: None • Hungry: A bit (early in the morning & in the evening)
• Herbal teas (5 cups): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, Angelica tea, calcium tea
• Juices: Apple juice (230 ml), Breuss juice (by recipe + some more carrots)
• Onion broth (by inspiration): Onion, spring onion greens & garlic clove (1/2 miso cube; no oil; 1x 250 ml)
• Walking: Fair portion • Breathing exercises: Few
• Sunbathing: In the morning & in the evening • Smelly necklace: 2 hours
• Morning: 10° C • Max. daytime temperature: 24° C • Weather: Sunny with rare clouds

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 2

Hmmm... I woke up at 2 a.m., without headache, not really hungry but thirsty. I kept myself busy with browsing a bit, blogging, and making my morning tea. I went back to bed around 6 a.m. to get some hugs before he leaves for working Saturday... And I woke up before 9 a.m., in a gorgeously sunny day, and decided not to do more than try sunbathing in our bedroom. Unbelievable, it works! If it's sunny (rarity in Bxl), one can get a decent portion of sunlight lying on our huge bed, turning around a bit... from 9 until 11 a.m. for sure. I loved it! Why haven't I done it before?!?

I had a hunger craving before noon. After a plate of onion broth (seasoned with an ampule of vitamin D supplement), I feel much better. I don't miss coffee nor cigarettes, but I miss fruits (bananas & apples in a bowl look so delicious), and I'm persuading myself to do the rites, take a shower, and go out... There's no lust for whatsoever, not even for dwelling on "why the heck do I need to do this"... Go, girl, move your ass and your mind will follow! Well... eventually.

Shower. Long Skype talk with my "baby". Now she knows as well... <3 Out too late for a walk. To the office to take care of my plants & medical bills. Back home around 18h, directly to Berry's hug (he came home from work a bit before me). Talking about sunbathing in our bed, we started to move our huge sofa around, fetched our beach towels out, laid on sofa... We were sunbathing! Both of us! In our living room! Playa Saint Lazare indeed! That's so cool! Needless to say that we felt asleep, later just moved to our bed... and soundly slept until early morning.

• Humor: Existing • Headache: I felt my head in the afternoon, nothing major • Hungry: Not really
• Herbal teas (4 cups): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, calcium tea
• Consumed: Breuss juice (by recipe), onion broth (by recipe, although with coconut oil & miso cube; 2x 250 ml)
• Sunbathing: In the morning & evening • Making love: Once (guess where ;-)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 1

Opening eyes at 7:02, out of bed at 7:20 when Berry left... Kidney tea for breakfast, sage tea mix for later, vegetable mix preparation... NO coffee, NO cigarettes... Go, take a shower! And out with a thermos of sage tea mix and a thermos of vegetable juice! Nyami! From 9:30 suffering at dentist, at 11:00 meeting with my psy... Remember: no stress (!) - no RDV that close together any longer! Afterwards, shopping for our concierge (how can he drink hectoliters of that green stuff, brrrr?) and a bit of food for Berry... Back home! Some more teas... and no lust for a thing. Refuge at my laptop... where I was, around 14h, smoking my last two cigarettes without much lust... Marlboro Light - ADIEU!

I got so tired around 18h, and my headache was increasing (go figure, no coffee for a whole day!), so I decided to got to bed and chase all away with a sleep... Dosing off and on, I remember Berry's kisses and hugs when he came home around 20h, but I was definitely gone after that... ;-)

• Tall: 164 cm • Weight: 65 kg • Waist around sacral (2nd) chakra: 86 cm
• Humor: None • Self-pity: In abundance • Headache: In the afternoon & evening • Hungry: Quite (manageable)
• Herbal teas (5 cups): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, Angelica tea, calcium tea
• Consumed: Breuss juice (by recipe), onion broth (by recipe, although with coconut oil & vegetable mix cube; 1x 250 ml)
5 Tibetan rites: In the morning (7-9)• Walking: Barely

A Day Before

I love spending days with Berry... ;-) I especially love weekdays when he "takes a day off"... We were so busy with our morning routines (cool, my period starts as well - what else?) & little chores that we were late to my endo consultation (we were the only ones aware of it). Afterwards, we picked up Berry's new glasses (he's soooo cute, with both of them), went to his house to fetch some stuff, and to lunch at Babbelaar. My last lunch before the cure: ostrich steaks in red wine sauce, great mix of steamed vegetables below them, potato croquettes, and a glass of beer. Delicious!

We came home around four, quite tired... We soon nestled on our king sofa, drinks aside... and felt asleep in the best hug ever!!! Around six I woke up with thoughts about the cure... doubting... not feeling strong enough, in every possible aspect... not feeling enough of will power to make it all the way through... not... Ugh! We made ourselves busy with browsing the web, some music in the background, and finally, we decided to watch "Stand and Deliver" (1988), popcorn included. Fine movie. And then...

I realized I need to make that kidney tea if I wish to start with the cure next morning. While waiting, I was checking all Breuss books I have, smoking few last cigarettes... not feeling adequate nor thrilling... or anything much. Bedtime after midnight... and sound sleep all night.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I started this week with five Tibetan rites!!! Ouch! Am I really only 45? No further comments...

And continued Monday in the nearby lab... Not such a good idea to go into one without physician's order for a blood check-up as one might heavily disturb their functioning... Briefly, from "not possible in Belgium", with a lot of patience & sound (and annoying) questions... it became possible. And I've got the results on Tuesday evening... 

Lab results 17 May 2010 vs. previous (2 pages):  1st & 2nd
NL 4.indd
• White blood cells count increased - infection on board? • Slightly too much sugar & bad cholesterol!?!
Thyroid parameters within normal • Iron - low  • Vitamin D - barely present although rising • Well, it's a high time for a change!

On Tuesday... I've got an order from my physician, for my forthcoming thyroid specialist consultation & info that I won't have it with "the best" but only with her assistant... although she'll supervise the whole thing. And a brief story how this "the best one" has much worse thyroid story than mine is but she's keeping her thyroid safely inside of her... I don't wonder why any longer... And I'll do all I know & feel to keep mine "in" as well. Oooo... I've also got a very suspicious "yes, I'll follow your health status during your cure", with a request, "don't start it before your RDV with endo as they might want to run some additional test..." Ugh, OK.

Later, in my herbal shop, Desmecht, I've spent a lot of time buying another bag of herbs for my teas (I still miss "pimpernel" which can't be ordered in Belgium at present!) and ordering hawthorn tincture (it'll be ready on 25th). And I couldn't leave without a huge bottle of St. John's wort oil for our backs & massage... ;-) Shoping trip to Colruyt's Bio-Planet store proved to be the very best decision - black radish finally found (!), and a few days worth stock of carrots and... beet root is safely at home as well.

During Wednesday night, I woke up at 2 a.m., suffocating... Ugh... I seriously need to get rid of this... Fine, I start this Friday!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pre-cure Period

Those who know me better, are laughing right now... ;-)  But, if not before, finally sense my true determination. Breuss vegetable juice mix... ;-) See, there's only one thing that nobody could made me eat since my childhood... Red beet!!! Just check my address book: it has a very particular section which translates red beet in the main European languages (I need to secure my salad without it... ;-) And soon, it will became a major part of my diet for more than a month, and most probably it'll remain on my menu further on! Hudooo! (read: Awesome! ;-)

Skeptic? Nope, no use... ;-) Yea, Berry made it yesterday (without black radish which is nowhere to be found so far, and without potato), I was observing it with disbelief, especially its color, but I swallowed it and... it was pretty good. Today, the second time, it was even better... ;-)

Nevertheless, this week I'm mostly busy with reading Breuss' instructions & recipes carefully, "chasing" bio ingredients & herbs around Brussels, building a plan how to proceed, and dentist appointments. I'll start with this cure next week. Partly because of the fact that Berry and I will be away at one great seminar in the Netherlands for four days, partly because of my preparation on cure itself.

You need to know that right now, I'm not really an example of "excellency" in taking a good care of myself, so preparation phase might be essential for my success. I stopped eating meat on Monday (no fuss), but I'm still not exercising (few walks and bike rides during past weeks don't really count), I'm still smoking & drinking coffee... and I'm feeling blue. Got the picture?

Latest on Monday, I intend to restart exercising (five Tibetan rites twice per day and if hunger strikes), restart Art of Living
breathing exercises, make time for regular walks, and take a bike for a short ride (if temperature rise & no drizzling nor raining).
On Monday morning, I intend to go to a lab and get my blood screening done (including all thyroid parameters).
And later, I'll make the appointments for a colon hydrotherapy (colonic irrigation) & a body massage at the end of the week,
and at 10:00, I have another dentist appointment (yes, I'm slowly getting all my teeth in perfect order).
On Tuesday, I have an appointment with my physician (we'll see whether she'll be ready to accompany me on this journey).
On Thursday, I have my first consultation with a thyroid specialist scheduled (at the best university hospital in Brussels).

Wow, what a plan & schedule!
I'm not sure whether I'm really looking forward to both...
Anyway, wish me good luck!

Breuss Cure Essentials (for my case)

Below is all I need to and can consume during this cure.
Very important: Please note that these are the elements of my cure & for my case. 
Juices, broth and herbal teas need to be prepared, done, and used or consumed upon special instructions.

Vegetable juice mix
• 3/5 of red beet root (against cancer) • 300 g
• 1/5 of carrots (provides carotene) • 100 g
• 1/5 of celery root (provides phosphor) • 100 g
• a bit of black radish (for liver support) • approx. 30 g
• small potato (optional; for liver cancer a must) • approx. an egg size
One needs 125 - 250 ml of this juice per day, but is allowed to drink up to 500 ml per day; when feeling hunger.

Sage tea (Salvia officinalis žajbelj • sauge • salie)
Anybody who wants to stay healthy might start drinking up to 500 ml of sage tea per day.
During this cure it is obligatory (up to 3 l), although recommended to be mixed with:
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum • šentjanževka • millepertuis • Sint Janskruid)
peppermint (Mentha piperita • poprova meta • menthe poivrée • pepermunt)
lemon balm (Melissa officinalis • melisa • mélisse • citroenmelisse)

Kidney tea
• 15 g of horsetail (Equisetum arvense • preslica • prèle • akkerpaardenstaart) 
• 8 g of knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare • ptičja dresen • renouée• varkensgras)
• 10 g of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica • kopriva • ortie piquante • brandnetel) 
• 6 g of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum • šentjanževka • millepertuis • Sint Janskruid)
One needs to drink this tea only during first three weeks - it helps cleaning kidneys.

Red cranesbill tea (herb Robert Geranium robertianum • smrdljička géranium RobertRobertskruid)
One needs to drink one cup of this tea per day - it contains radium and stimulates secreting organs.

Marigold tea (Calendula officinalis • ognjič • fleurs de souci • goudsbloem)
One should drink a cup per day - for better cellular respiration and for stimulating secreting organs.

Clear onion broth
One can drink up to two cups of this broth per day.
I'll add one garlic clove to it as garlic is also a great source of selenium (helps regulate thyroid function).

Pimpernel tea (Pimpinella magna • b edrenec oz. bibernelica pimprenelle • pimpernel)
In case of a cancer in the neck glands, gums, tongue... one needs to use & drink this tea.

Angelica tea (Angelica archangelica • angelika Angeliqueengelwortel)
Against goiter, one needs to drink one cup of this tea throughout a day (it provides iodine).

Lungs & limestone tea
• common plantain (Plantago major) • narrow-leaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
• Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) • common lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis)
• ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea) • common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) • "Meum mutellina"
It is recommended to drink it in special "cancer" cases, as well as to provide us with calcium and potassium.
One can drink it as much as wished.

"Calcium" tea
As ground ivy is forbidden, and three other ingredients from "limestone" tea above aren't available in Belgium,
we've decided for the following "calcium" mix at my "herbal shop" (30 g of each & only 10 g of Iceland mos):
ribwort / narrow-leaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata • suličasti trpotec • plantain lanceole • smalle weegbree
common lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis • plju čnik • pulmonaire • longkruid)
Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica • islandski lišaj • linchen Islande • Ijslandmos)
wild / creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum • materina dušica • serpolet / thym sauvage • wilde tijm) 
common gypsyweed (Veronica officinalis • jetičnik • Véronique • ereprijskruid) 
sweet woodruff (Asperula odorata • dišeča perla oz. prvenec • gaillet odorant lievevrouwbedstro)
elecampane (Inula helenium • veliki oman • aunée • alant)
horsetail (Equisetum arvense • preslica • prèle • akkerpaardenstaart) 
germander (Teucrium chamaedrys • vrednik • germandrée / petit chêne • ?)

Other recommendations:
• For a heart support, one can take 20-40 drops (depends upon weight) of hawthorn tincture per day
(hawthorn haws • Crataegus oxyacantha • glogove jagode • fruits d'aubépine • meidoorn vrucht).
• In case of a low blood pressure, one needs to take 20-30 drops of hawthorn tincture, 3 times per day.
• Upon self-observation & if really needed, one can drink (by gulps) tinny quantity of fresh juice 
out of one of the following fruits: orange, grapefruit, black currant, blueberry, or lemon (with water).
• From time to time, one can have a mouthful of sauerkraut juice.
• During this cure, one needs • to continue working • to forget about food & illness • to listen
to her/his body & common sense carefully • to moderately exercise • to do breathing exercises...

PS: If you wish to know more about stuff above, check its details in my separate blog,  Essentials of Breuss cure à la Aida & tips!


Ugh... The reason I've decided to go on Breuss Cancer Cure is explained in my blog,  Substrenal goiter with a nodule & All that follows.

Briefly, because of a considerable substrenal goiter & thyroid nodule inside of it. The only wise option in my case is apparently a total thyroid gland removal & hormone treatment (read: pills) until end of my life.

My stubborn nature and all-of-my-life-aversion-to-any-kind-of-drugs-and-pills (!) would like to avoid this operation & hormonal treatment that follows, keep my thyroid gland intact & functioning well, and get rid of the nodule. As this is, at present, not a very probable scenario, it's not much of a gamble if I tryout the Breuss cure. As there's no extreme urgency to be operated, I have at least that much time... 42 days.

It won't be easy, especially with a regular colon hydrotherapy on top of all, but with a dedicated support of my hubby and determination one gets from that kind of health issue... I might just get through it. And who knows, as it was apparently extremely efficient and cancer eliminating for many, it might work for me too.

There's some web sites talking about and explaining Breuss Cancer Cure, but the most valid and true to me is Rudolf Breuss book
"The Breuss Cancer Cure: Advice for the Prevention and Natural Treatment of Cancer, Leukemia and Other Seemingly Incurable Diseases"
(original in German) which is available in few other languages as well (French, Slovenian, Italian...)
"Breuss maintained that cancer, whenever it occurs in the body, feeds and grows from protein. He therefore deduced that if one fasted for what has now been confirmed as an ideal period of 42 days, during which various herbal teas and juices are taken to detoxify, cleanse and eliminate, the cancer would starve, be absorbed and subsequently pass out of the body one way or another. Radical thinking that flew in the face of the accepted medical wisdom, but is now used all over the world and known as the Breuss Total Cancer Treatment." (one of the web sources)

Basically, during this 42-days cure treatment, all you're allowed to swallow per day  is up to 1/2 liter of fresh vegetable juice (home made), clear onion soup, eventually some fresh fruit juices, and an abundance of diverse herbal teas. Voilà!

Welcome to witness my journey!
Welcome to posting comments, suggestions... whatever positive!
You might even help me through it!
Zillion thanks!

Wishing you all the finest & abundance of health,