Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Ugh... The reason I've decided to go on Breuss Cancer Cure is explained in my blog,  Substrenal goiter with a nodule & All that follows.

Briefly, because of a considerable substrenal goiter & thyroid nodule inside of it. The only wise option in my case is apparently a total thyroid gland removal & hormone treatment (read: pills) until end of my life.

My stubborn nature and all-of-my-life-aversion-to-any-kind-of-drugs-and-pills (!) would like to avoid this operation & hormonal treatment that follows, keep my thyroid gland intact & functioning well, and get rid of the nodule. As this is, at present, not a very probable scenario, it's not much of a gamble if I tryout the Breuss cure. As there's no extreme urgency to be operated, I have at least that much time... 42 days.

It won't be easy, especially with a regular colon hydrotherapy on top of all, but with a dedicated support of my hubby and determination one gets from that kind of health issue... I might just get through it. And who knows, as it was apparently extremely efficient and cancer eliminating for many, it might work for me too.

There's some web sites talking about and explaining Breuss Cancer Cure, but the most valid and true to me is Rudolf Breuss book
"The Breuss Cancer Cure: Advice for the Prevention and Natural Treatment of Cancer, Leukemia and Other Seemingly Incurable Diseases"
(original in German) which is available in few other languages as well (French, Slovenian, Italian...)
"Breuss maintained that cancer, whenever it occurs in the body, feeds and grows from protein. He therefore deduced that if one fasted for what has now been confirmed as an ideal period of 42 days, during which various herbal teas and juices are taken to detoxify, cleanse and eliminate, the cancer would starve, be absorbed and subsequently pass out of the body one way or another. Radical thinking that flew in the face of the accepted medical wisdom, but is now used all over the world and known as the Breuss Total Cancer Treatment." (one of the web sources)

Basically, during this 42-days cure treatment, all you're allowed to swallow per day  is up to 1/2 liter of fresh vegetable juice (home made), clear onion soup, eventually some fresh fruit juices, and an abundance of diverse herbal teas. Voilà!

Welcome to witness my journey!
Welcome to posting comments, suggestions... whatever positive!
You might even help me through it!
Zillion thanks!

Wishing you all the finest & abundance of health,


  1. Hi Aida!
    I've read parts of your journal.
    Congrats!!! Hats off indeed to you, especially that you had the strength of will to do the cure while handling food (to fix lunches for Berry).

    Anyways, how do you feel today (12/17/2011)? Has your thyroid nodule disappeared?

    Best wishes,

  2. Sorry, JO, I wasn't here for a while... ;-)

    THANK YOU!!!

    Well, today I feel... extremely tired. ;-)
    Nope, my nodule hasn't disappeared nor has my goiter diminished.
    But I still have my thyroid gland - four years after ALL doctors urged me to get rid of it ASAP!!! - and don't intend to allow them to remove it.

    Wishing you all the best as well,
