Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 10

Around 6, I woke up into a completely gray morning... hungry & a bit irritated. Well, it's my 10th day without a solid food, I wasn't drinking any veggie juice yesterday, and I had the smartest idea ever - I went to a macrobiotic cooking class (unexpectedly a very long one, from 17h until 21:30) with one tea mug only! And I left it with a doggy bag when everybody started to eat the menu we were observing to be prepared and cooked by a leading macrobiotic teacher, Hikari Ogata & her assistants, from Lima Cooking School in Japan (established by George Ohsawa, the founder of macrobiotics). 

Extenuating circumstances? The course was announced as "What is macrobiotics?" Although, all that went on were many details about correct cooking of brown rice, and quite some about the rest of the menu: Brown rice cooked in a ceramic pan • Misoshiru • Cutlet of Fu • Hijiki Salad • Oyaki. And as Mrs. Ogata speaks Japanese only, we were losing much of the class time for a vague English translation. Nevertheless, it was interesting. And puzzling: Who the heck has so much time to cook like that each day; even more if there is only a person or a couple at home?! 

Surprise! We had the second part today, at 10h! Title of today's class: "YinYang Balance". Ugh, I was hesitant... But I went anyway; also because Berry was working - Daldecor had Open Doors Sunday! The same story as yesterday (vague translation & cooking only), with another menu. We were observing & participating a bit while the following dishes were done: Dried Daikon Soup, Chirashizusi and Sobazushi (I made two rolls ;-) as a main dish (often a celebration plate), and Agar-Agar Jelly for dessert. Berry will have a feast this evening or at tomorrow's lunch! Me? I survived with both of my mugs (apple juice & sage tea).

• Humor: Undefined • Feeling: Weak & irritated; much better in the afternoon • Hungry: In the morning, before class, later not at all
• Tepid water as a day starter: 250 ml • Walking: 40 minutes
• Herbal teas (7 cups): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, Angelica tea, calcium tea, marigold tea, pimpernel tea (leaves found, roots not yet)
• Juices: Orange juice (250 ml), apple juice (taken to the class; 420 ml), carrot juice (400 ml), tomato juice (120 ml)
Vegetable broth: I drank macrobiotic soup at home (dried daikon, leek, kombu bouillon, soy sauce & sea-salt; less than 100 ml)
• Special treat: Macrobiotic cooking class in the morning (10h - 13:30); back massage in bed, followed by... ;-))
• Morning: 11° C  • Max. daytime temperature: 15° C • Weather: Cloudy & rainy or drizzly; partly cloudy; sun in the evening

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