I've seen a fraction of sunlight at 6:30 when I woke up, now, there are only thick clouds, smog & cold. Showering. Moisturizing. Watermelon in his lunch box (pot with ½ of it already cut in pieces one can put in a mouth ;-). Nagging at apparently inappropriate time about his work-overload... Goodbye hug & kiss. Clothes on. Making teas & orange juice. Blogging. Out for a RDV with my physician at 8:30, for vital functions check-up & some blood sampling...

Medical doctors, you really & often behave as being All-Knowing-And-Infallible-Gods, and the only source of wisdom. But you definitively aren't; proven many many times. The last portion of my idealism - that doctors are there to
support us, our health, and our optimal well-being - has definitely gone with Brussels wind today. And now, I need to realign & tune into my growing belief that we are capable to cure ourselves by changing our thoughts, our attitudes, and our actions. All by ourselves. With undeniable help of "the best doctors in the world: Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet, and Doctor
Merryman" (by Jonathan Swift).
2 : 2 • Slovenia : USA Congrats! Slovenians can do it! I can do it!!! We can all do it! ;-)) Wishing you a relaxing evening & good night!
• Humor:
Moody •
Feeling: Blue • Hungry: No
• Headache: Almost the whole day (Really weird - low outside pressure or low blood pressure or my period? All three, I'd reckon!)
• Herbal teas (6 cups): Sage tea, cranesbill tea, Angelica tea, calcium tea, marigold tea, and pimpernel leaves tea
• Juices: Orange & grapefruit juice (200 ml), watermelon juice (620 ml), carrot & spinach juice (400 ml)
• Supplement: One BiOmega (fish oil & some other goodies) • Smelly necklace: 100 minutes • Special treat: Berry moisturized my entire body
• Morning: 11° C • Max. daytime temperature: 16° C • Weather: Cloudy
PS: Berry was home before19:30. I was just finishing another sushi combination. This time closer to original ones - with rice, tomato sauce (spices & ume plum vinegar), sliced salmon & cucumber stripes. So, his starter was served really fast. "Leftovers" baked in a foil (rice, tomato slices, salmon, spices & olive oil) were delicious as well. Yap, I really love cooking. On one condition: that it doesn't take long time to prepare & cook the whole meal, preferably less than a half an hour. Afterwards, we had a serious & fruitful talk, but went to bed quite early (before England vs. Algeria match was finished with zeros ;-).
• Headache: Almost the whole day (Really weird - low outside pressure or low blood pressure or my period? All three, I'd reckon!)
• Herbal teas (6 cups): Sage tea, cranesbill tea, Angelica tea, calcium tea, marigold tea, and pimpernel leaves tea
• Juices: Orange & grapefruit juice (200 ml), watermelon juice (620 ml), carrot & spinach juice (400 ml)
• Supplement: One BiOmega (fish oil & some other goodies) • Smelly necklace: 100 minutes • Special treat: Berry moisturized my entire body
• Morning: 11° C • Max. daytime temperature: 16° C • Weather: Cloudy
PS: Berry was home before19:30. I was just finishing another sushi combination. This time closer to original ones - with rice, tomato sauce (spices & ume plum vinegar), sliced salmon & cucumber stripes. So, his starter was served really fast. "Leftovers" baked in a foil (rice, tomato slices, salmon, spices & olive oil) were delicious as well. Yap, I really love cooking. On one condition: that it doesn't take long time to prepare & cook the whole meal, preferably less than a half an hour. Afterwards, we had a serious & fruitful talk, but went to bed quite early (before England vs. Algeria match was finished with zeros ;-).
My dear friend sent me the below e-mail at midnight (in Slovenian), after reading the above & this blog post: http://substrenal-goiter.blogspot.com/2010/06/last-appointment-at-dr-deom.html
ReplyDeleteMy reply follows in my mother tongue too, although I'll arrange a short translation into English, as it might be useful for someone else as well.
Have a great weekend,
Pravkar sem prebrala tvoj zadnji blog in padla čist not, ker se je meni pred kratkim podobno zgodilo z mojo ginekologinjo. (Sicer že večkrat, tko da jo definitivno zamenjam!!! Pravzaprav mi je tudi sama predlagala, naj se grem pozanimat še h komu drugemu. Kako so prepričani vase in v svoj prav! Da mi dviga pokrov! Res!) Totalno me ne jemlje resno! Ko sem ji pa rekla, da sem bila pri iridodiagnostiku, ki mi je povedal, da vidi občasne motnje v delovanju desnega jajčnika (zaradi teh bolečin tudi grem h ginek.), mi je rekla, naj ne hodim h bioenergetikom! Sem mislila, da bom popizdila. In potem, ko je pogledala, je videla, da res ni vse ok, ampak mi je veeno rekla, da vsakič pridem k njej "iz naslova nekih bolečin". Ufffff! Ko sem ji pa glede na celotno situacijo rekla, da se mi zdi to norčevanje, se je pa ona naredila užaljeno, da "to pa že ne".
ReplyDeleteDejstvo pa je, da se nekateri zdravniki očitno ne morejo sprijazniti, da je vedno več ljudi, ki jih nimamo za bogove in nam njihovo mnenje ni sveto. In se kot kaže ne zavedajo, da si prav s takim vzvišenim pristopom še kako zmanjšujejo ugled, kredibilnost itd. Toliko o tem ... :-) :-)
Zadnjič sem dobila tvoj mail, da si se lotila posta. Kako se počutiš? Tudi sama sem že razmišljala o tem, da bi to poskusila, ampak ko sem brala knjige N. Walkerja, je govoril o tem, da je zelo pomembno, kakšen "juicer" imaš za pripravo sokov (on je izdelal svojega - Norwalk, saj verjetno veš), ker drugače ti sokovi menda nimajo prav veliko koristnega v sebi. Ampak še vedno razmišljam o tem (bom zelo vesela kakršnih koli tvojih informacij in posredovanja izkušenj). Za začetek sem naredila kuro s pitjem gline. Omenila si Breussa in sem ugotovila, da je ena njegova knjiga v slovenščini. Zagotovo si jo sposodim.
Jaz sem namreč že skoraj dve leti zaprta. V tem času skoraj nisem odvajala brez pomoči klistirja. Odstranili so mi tudi že hemeroide, proktolog pa mi je rekel, da ni nič hudega, če se vse življenje klistiram! Za popizdit! In to je to, o čemer tudi ti pišeš - ko uradna medicina ne zna več pomagati, ni KAO nič drugega več možno ... Malo morgen!!! Nočejo sprejeti tega, da smo dandanes ljudje včasih morda celo bolj na tekočem s kakimi zadevami glede njihovega strokovnega področja. In vedno pogosteje se mi dogaja, da ko zaznam zdravnikovo ozkoglednost, mu nočem več verjeti in zaupati niti glede tistega, kar ima morda prav.
Uffff ... zdaj si bom kar malo oddahnila in šla lažje spat. :-)
Ma, zdravniških štorij najverjetneje poznamo vedno več. In prepričana sem,
ReplyDeleteda je treba o tem pisat oz. si pripovedovat. V znanju je moč!!! Kar njih poglej... ;-)
Sicer pa, k drugemu ginekologu moraš, obvezno.
In močno ti priporočam post s sokovi – res ni težko! Obvezno pa s čaji, ki jih priporoča Breuss, bi ti svetovala.
Če dvomiš, morda začni skupinsko, npr. v okviru Zavoda Preporod.
Skupinska postenja so začeli junija, razpisane imajo pa vse do decembra: http://www.zavod-preporod.si/index.php
Veliko informacij o postenju najdeš pri Tomu: http://www.fasting.ws/juice-fasting/
In ogromno linkov imaš v mojih blogih, na moč uporabnih.
Kar se sokovnika tiče, je bojda najboljši Angel Juicer, a mislim da se, vsaj pred prvim postenjem in pred morebitnim prehodom
na presno prehrano, ne splača preveč obremenjevat s tem (izgovore si vedno hitro najdemo), še najmanj pa na tako široko odpret denarnice.
Prebrskaj si močno uporabno stran: www.eujuicers.com. Sama uporabljam en star Moulinex, s centrifugo, in sokovi so čist kul.
Zagotovo nimajo več vseh encimov, pa morda še česa, a so zaprmej boljši kot biftek & pomfrit s solatko in palačinkami za povrh. ;-)
Breussovo knjigo si čimprej sposodi, glede na tvoje zdravstvene težave, ti pa močno močno priporočam,
da si kupiš knjigo Christiane Northrup, dr. med.: Žensko telo, ženska modrost.
In se boš morda hitro lotila pucanja druge čakre & izživljanja svoje kreativnosti... ;-)
Resno, to knjigo bi morala imeti na polici vsaka ženska; pod mus!
Če bi res pozorno moj blog o kuri spremljala... ;-)) Hitro nazaj brat, vsaj dneve, ki so omenjeni tukajle:
bi ti bilo že "cristal clear", da moraš takoj izbrskat, kje v Ljubljani (ali drugje) je na voljo
hidroterapija črevesja, in bi vsekakor že imela termin za prvo seanso!!!
Vsak, ki je zaprt, bi si moral pod nujno temeljito prečistit črevo!!! In obvezno spremenit prehrano, ker je zaprtje resen znak, da nekaj z njo ni OK!!!
In če si ti podoben primer kot moja Sara, si daj obvezno narest čekap, ali prenašaš gluten ali ne. Obvezno!
Se bereva!
Če bi se pa rada slišala in imaš zvočnik & mikrofon (ali pa slušalke z mikrofonom), me pa na Skype pejt poiskat, lahko zastonj poklepetava.
Lepo bodi,
PS: Morda nisem bila tolk podrobna, kakor si morda pričakovala,
ker probam šparat z energijo, a če karkoli manjka ali pa te še kaj žuli, ti se samo skašji al pa me pobari... ;-)
Well, we're aware of more and more medical stories. And I'm sure we need to write and talk about them. Knowledge is power!
ReplyDeleteI highly recommend you juice fasting – it really isn't difficult! Although, I also suggest you to drink herbal teas Breuss recommends.
A lot of info abut fasting you can find on Tom's page http://www.fasting.ws/juice-fasting/; and many useful links throughout my blog posts...
Apparently Angel juicer is the best juicer on the market. Although I do believe that before first fasting and before eventually adopting
raw food diet, there's no need to make a fuss regarding a juicer (no problem to find another excuse ;-) and spend that much "in advance".
Check www.eujuicers.com... I use an old centrifugal Moulinex juicer, and juices are just fine. Most probably they lack some enzymes,
eventually some more stuff, but are for sure better than a beefsteak and French fries with a salad, and pancakes for a dessert. ;-)
Read Breuss book, but concerning your health issues, I highly recommend you to read dr. Northroup's book "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom"
and you might start cleaning your second chakra & letting your creativity out pretty soon. ;-) Seriously, this is a book each woman should have!
Constipation? If you read my blog carefully indeed, it would be crystal clear to you
that the only immediate common sense reaction to it should be a colon hydrotherapy.
Please recheck: http://breuss-essentials-and-tips.blogspot.com/2010/05/colon-hydrotherapy.html
Constipated ones should really thoroughly clean their colon first! And obligatory change their diet (food intake)
because constipation is one of the first serious signs that something with your diet is simply not OK.
And in case you're such a case as my Sara, you should check-up as well whether you're gluten intolerant. A must!