Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 19

That's getting really weird! I woke up at 5:30! Well, since many days, I'm awake well before alarm goes on (at 7:02 ;-), and sooner each day. Although yesterday, for example, I was in bed before midnight, reading a bit, so I must have fallen asleep somewhere after midnight. A bit more than five hours of sleep?!? Weird. But I'm feeling fine... and I've already cleaned & rearranged few "black spots" in the kitchen... ;-)

Huh, not only kitchen! Yesterday, I cleaned & rearranged the cabinets with our clothes. And tried a zillion things in order to find stuff that suits me at present (plenty, no worries - I have a range from 55 to 65 kilos ;-)... At the end, there were piles of clothes, mainly mine, that Berry will drive to our cleaning lady today (Corsa is completely full of bags behind). It felt awesome! Well, it still does. And I feel good... ;-)

Those who know me, know that I don't really have a "bordelo" at home, things are more or less arranged and at their places (well, in such a small apartment it's really a must)... but within a year or two, we always manage to create some "black spots" that need to be cleaned & rearranged at some point, as well as stuff to be thrown out... How symbolic! Cleaning the body, outside of it, and some mind cleaning in-between... ;-)

Oh, yes, I almost forgot. I'm also in the process of a complete dental amalgam "detoxification" (all amalgam fillings out of my mouth as soon as possible), and reconstruction of all teeth that need one, including three implants. Enough of details. If you need a good & gentle (!) dentist in Brussels, who won't rob your wallet (it will still cost you, don't get me wrong, but not as much as I was at least previously experiencing in Brussels), I can recommend dr. Elisabeth Kosa (read: Koscha; a Hungarian from Romania) without a single doubt. And in SLO, I can highly recommend dr. Jernej Barlič in Brežice.

• Humor: Good • Feeling: Fine & in a cleaning mood • Hungry: No, a tinny bit, no... ;-)
• Herbal teas (7 cups): Kidney tea, sage tea, cranesbill tea, Angelica tea, calcium tea, marigold tea, pimpernel tea (leaves found, roots not yet)

• Juices: Pineapple juice (150 ml), Charentais melon juice (130 ml), Breuss juice (I forgot to put the celery in the mix... 100 ml)

• Supplement: One BiOmega (fish oil & some other goodies) 
• Morning: 16° C (at 9:20) • Max. daytime temperature: 22° C • Weather: Cloudy, fair, cloudy, rainy, fair with rain... typical Brussels.

1 comment:

  1. Good & gentle (!) dentist in Brussels:
    dr. Elisabeth KOSA • Phone: 02 217 46 82
    163, rue Royale • 1210 Bruxelles • Metro: Botanique
