Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 40

Wow, it was precisely 5:55 a.m. when I came to our kitchen! Another sunny day, smoggy as well. This is really awful in Brussels: we eventually get more sunny days in a row (unbelievable), and than smog cover just gets thicker & thicker, so we have less and less air, as well as less and less sun, but it's getting hotter & more humid... Anyway, my teas were done first; no juice for breakfast as I need to leave some blood in the lab before 9; lunch bag for my hubby; who later moisturized everything before leaving for work, not only my skin... ;-) C'mon, it's hard to resist, sometimes literally impossible. Which is definitely cool. We all could & should make love more often, as well as go with a flow regularly. Well, no complaints, today started in a perfect manner indeed! 

Some browsing & blogging before walking to the lab & back home where plumber needed my assistance for few minutes; and than to the Post office to pick up my copy of just published revised edition of  Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom that each adult woman should read & have at home (I gave its first edition to Sara). I went back home, to deposit this heavy book, turned around right away, and went to my gynaecologist; only to find out that my RDV was cancelled but they couldn't reach me (wrong phone number in their database) - postponed only until tomorrow. Nope, no pre-sales shopping, resting at home was what I really needed; so much action & walking before 11 a.m., and no breakfast nor juice, made me tired.

Exhausted, I was also feeling quite blue in the early afternoon... so I went for a sure mood boost and let Kathy made my hair fresh & curly! I felt better even before I left the hairdresser salon where she works. And back home, I really liked my smiley, slightly tanned face in the mirror, so I decided to take some photos of it; if for nothing else, for this blog. What, Sara was and is doing that all the time, why couldn't I try as well, with this sophisticated Berry's camera? ;-) Wow, I was seriously surprised! Not in a good way. I was browsing & staring at twenty photos in a complete unsettling disbelief, and I had some hard time to chose the one that looked less awful to me. Who is this old lady with a big nose?!? OK, sun was into my face, but... Ugh, do I really look that old?!? All the time? At nearly & only 46? Even before I lost 11 kilos and before my fasting cure? Anyway, I have quite a different picture of my face in my mind & I look back at me with a different face from mirrors: with a lighter, smoother, younger face, and I don't see nor feel me as old as I look here. What have I missed?! I need a hug!!!
PS: Know what? When Berry came home I showed him those photos. He said that he hasn't that kind of face in front of him, that he doesn't see me like that neither, and that none of them should be publicly shared, so I decided to remove that awful photo. Mateja, your photos are the best!

You know, I'm glad my fasting cure ends in two days! Otherwise I'd need to end it beforehand. I have had it! I have enough! I have enough of herbal teas (I dropped four of them already few days ago) and purest juices possible! I have enough of only liquid for some time! And at this point, I'll keep it going only out of sheer stubbornness. I so miss tasting food, eating & chewing you can't even imagine; when I make juices, I dream of fruit pieces melting in my mouth; since yesterday, I'm planning dinners for Berry but I simply can't make them (he went out to fetch him two kebabs & fries today), although, lunch bags are still OK (for tomorrow, I've made him four sandwiches with herring & onion, and he'll chose a box of fruit he'll prefer); I miss cooking food for our chatting lunches & dinners side by side; I miss eating out & am eager to finally have a lovely dinner at Tan; my humor is like yo-yo but basically going downwards; my energy level seems to hit the bottom... All I'd like to do around noons is to return to bed, sleep all over... and cheerfully wake up into one sunny after-fasting day, without goiter & with nodule free thyroid gland! Amen!

• Humor: Good (in the morning) • Feeling: Quite fine (in the morning) • Hungry: No
• Herbal teas: Sage tea and pimpernel leaves tea • Fruit juices: Pineapple juice (290 ml), watermelon juice (650 ml)

• Berry's veggie juice: Tomatoes, carrot, a bit of green pepper & kohlrabi, spinach, ruccola, young onions, basil, parsley & garlic clove (250 ml)  
• Walking: Three hours • Special treats: Berry moisturized & satisfied my entire body in the morning; hairdresser & curly head
• Morning: 17° C • Max. daytime temperature: 27° C • Weather: Fair (cloudy & sunny)

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