Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 25

A golden early morning around 6:30 turned into a fairly cloudy one soon... Shower; moisturizing with a body cream; clothes on; Berry's lunch bag; hug & kiss for a good day; orange juice; making of my six teas; my Corsa into garage (ventilator's engine changing); walking home; folding dry laundry & into the cabinets with it; making photos of peony's transformation from a bud into a beautiful flower head with many layers of petals; some blogging & e-mails; sunbathing in this feeble sun (with a bit of news reading, few breathing exercises, and some moments of meditation); cleaning of my tongue; dentist at 14h.

Berry was really late, he came home well after eight... Concerning all, I can say that this is a borderline to slavery. Borderline? Plain slavery!!! And it's getting worse... He's leaving after seven, he commutes approximately a half an hour (each way), an hour lunch break is never one hour long, so he usually works far more than 9 hours and up to 11 hours per day! I seriously dislike it, more & more. If one would get at least compensated for ongoingly extending himself! Nope, not at all; ever!? And as they're so heavily understaffed (not only recently, since I've met him!), they can't do their work properly & they can hardly take some of their piling free days off... Yes, it is extremely hard to maintain a positive attitude! This won't "end up" fine for Berry and other employees nor for the bosses, that's for sure.

As he was so late, I couldn't stand the thought of not making him a simple dinner, without too much of smells: medium bok choys (steamed), chicken frankfurters (cooked), a glass of white vine, and crème brûlée. We finished a day by finally watching Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days (2009). Guys, please watch this documentary! Regarding my cure, current studies, thinking, cooking, this movie... we've both got aware we're in the process of changing quite some of our habits, our food intake & more. It'll be challenging, but we feel it's worth the initial effort. One step at a time!

Humor: Good • Feeling: Fine • Hungry: No
• Herbal teas (6 cups): Sage tea, cranesbill tea, Angelica tea, calcium tea, marigold tea, and pimpernel leaves tea
• Fruit juices:
Orange & grapefruit juice (240 ml), red & white raisins juice (350 ml)
• Walking: At least two hours • Breathing exercises: Few
• Special treats: Berry moisturized almost my entire body ("almost" because I only do torso); sunbathing in the morning
Morning: 13° C (at 9h) • Max. daytime temperature: 21° C • Weather: Fair

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